Friday 31 January 2014

Not a very happy Australia Day

On Australia Day I awoke to the tragic and upsetting news that a 3m Tiger Shark had been bought up by the bait lines, shot, killed and dumped at sea. Colin Barnett's ill advised, irrational and terrible policy has unbelievably been put into place and I am certain I am not the only one ashamed of Western Australia on that day. Now when I look out into our beautiful ocean which I enjoy and feel a deep connection, it feels tarnished as a meat curtain hangs as a lethal trap for sharks and all marine life just one kilometre off shore.
Another rally took place today and as a touching song was sang I had tears of sadness as we could all see the fisheries boats patrolling the drum lines. Again I am amazed at how many people turned up over six thousand proud Western Australians that care deeply for our marine world.
If you want to help here's what you can do go to and tell your local MP what you think, all you need is your email address and postcode. Keep phoning and writing to your MP asking them for an answer that makes sense. Keep going to rally's until we get those drum lines pulled up. Contact sea shepherd and find out more ways to get involved.

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