Tuesday 27 March 2012



Sadly following on from my last post Themba the bull rhino passed away whilst in his compromised state failed to remove himself from a watering hole.

Below is a touching link to a tribute to William the vet and Themba. William says it all better than any words...

If you are interested and wondering how YOU can make a difference, share this sad story with as many people as possible, awareness CAN change things. Also visit http://www.stoprhinopoaching.com/default.aspx and add your name to the voice and read about rhino poaching. It is very informative and they have some interesting projects on the go.

Themba will always be remembered and has seemed to touch the hearts of so many. Thandi is still alive and will hopefully make it, this is a beacon of hope and hopefully many more rhinos can be saved in the future and even better saved  from the same fate and Themba. 

Thandi and Themba in better days

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